EE Born and Bred – by Audrey Lim

One year ago, Michael Yong and two other church members came to pay me a visit at my home. After a casual conversation, they shared the Gospel with me.

Eight months later, I was asked to join the Evangelism Expolsion (EE) training. Then, I realised what all this was about. I am a product of “EE”. What is EE? Briefly, training to equip lay people to more effectively share the Gospel with friends, relatives, associates, and neighbours. Then, in turn, the trained person will help you to train others to do the same.

Through the 13 week EE training, I discovered that the sharing of the Gospel to non believers is possible. We have to be effectively equipped. The training provided was very structured and clear. It was very useful for a young Christian like me, who comes from a staunch Taoist background, with very little knowledge about the Bible. Learning the Gospel and the On-the-Job training certainly takes time and commitment. The encouragement from praying partners, my trainer and the training team showed that I was not “alone” in my quest to share the Good News. The most meaningful is the immense joy experienced when a lost soul is saved.

During one of my OJT, we shared the Gospel to a young lady , who had a failed marriage and who felt so hopeless in her situation that she had attempted to take her own life. But she turned to Christ to help her through this “trial”. This makes me realise that there are so many lost souls to be saved.

There was a month when I struggled, I could not do even an OJT. I learned that prayers were so important and essential and that we have to pray for great endurance and patience and wait for God’s divine appointment and perfect timing for everything. After that “break”, I continued with the 5th OJT. I am very thankful for my praying partners who were faithfully interceding for me. My fears were removed as I progress in my knowledge and training. I thank God for providing us with an environment where so much of God’s love and grace were shown during the training, the practice sessions and on-the-job sessions in actual witnessing situations led by my trainer/trainee have enabled me to share the Gospel confidently over time.

We are never too old to be useful if we make ourselves available to God for His purposes. For nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

Audrey worships at Bangsar Gospel Chapel.