Build your church by equipping the saints for personal evangelism
Want to have your church members
actively sharing their own faith?
Not sure where to begin this process?
Let us help you.
Equipping disciples for the Great Commission
EE helps churches to equip their members to obey our Lord’s command to be fishers-of-men. Every church member can practically participate in the Great Commission.

Every EE semester is a holistic discipleship training program
More than classroom learning, the 13-week semester training aims to equip the saints practically for the harvest field. Discipleship training is synonymous with lifestyle change. Thus, every EE semester is an impartation of vision from one disciple to another.
Trainers and Trainees in every team
Trainees will be guided by experienced trainers in real-life witnessing situations. Church members are trained to be fishers of men, and in turn, they will equip others to multiply after themselves.

On-the-job training for incremental learning and skills strengthening
By making it a priority to regularly meet non-believers during Connect Activities, church members will learn to witness with confidence.
Prayer is the key success factor
Just as Aaron and Hur lifted Moses’ hands in Exodus 17, we need partners in prayer because we cannot do God’s work on our own. Each person in the training will find 2 friends to support them and pray together.

Yi En Methodist Church, Miri
Sejak gereja kami melaksanakan XEE, perubahan dan penerobosan terjadi didalam gereja kami yang menjerus kepada kebangkitan rohani.
Grace Church Puchong
In a semester, we shared the gospel to 65 friends and church visitors. Amongst them, 5 made professions of faith and 13 had assurances of faith.
Full Gospel Tabernacle, Subang Jaya
XEE has given me the courage and pushed me out of my comfort zone to share the Gospel.
Tabernacle of David
Ready to get started?
Get in touch today.
+603-8023 3230
2A-A (1st Floor), Jalan Tiara 2
Taman Perindustrian UEP,
47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Get in touch
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