Xee Testimomy by Stacey Lee

Xee Semester conducted in People’s Park Baptist Church,
15 March 2009 to 17 May 2009, with Certification on 24 May 2009.

Testimony by Stacey Lee
Media Director

So, this is what Xee is all about! I was anxious that the training will change me into some pushy, shuff into your throat kind of Gospel-bully, but having gone through all the 11 sessions, made me realize that Xee is not that bad, in fact, it was pleasant and very relational.

My first reaction was to try the tool with strangers! If I got it wrong, I won’t feel so bad. I went to the Bank. I had wanted
to find out more about some investment plan. My trainer was with me, we were supposed to be meeting somebody else, but I told myself, I have ten (10) connect activities to finish in the Semester, and this was my first, I might as well grab anyone I meet.

From discussing my investment plan with the Bank Executive, I posed the first Engaging Question to him, “On a scale of 1 to 10, how fulfilling would you say your life is right now”….and I was pleasantly surprised at how willing he was to answer my question, and we went on a casual conversation, and bringing the conversation to the meaning of life!

It works! I tell myself. My next meeting was in the furniture shop, and again, I used the Engaging Question, and again it opened up a wealth of conversation, with the Owner of the Furniture shop, and he willingly let me share the Gospel. Although both parties have not accepted the LORD, I am still grateful that I have sown two seed!

I was very joyful and felt new grace falling afresh on me, and my vision of life took on a broader meaning, deeper angle at how Jesus Himself values such people. Sharing and making conversation with people that I do not
know, make me also realize, how Jesus communicated to those along the way, simply with His life of grace and compassion.

The Bank Executive saw life presented to him in a fresh way. The Furniture Shop Owner saw someone who was willing to hear his sorrows. Both had needs. One was in his late 20s. The other was in his 50s. Both heard the story. One saw new meaning. The other saw healing.

I am blessed that by the end of my ten (10) connect activities, my team saw the re-dedication of one young man (20 years old) who had stopped coming to church, due to his new company of friends. He has never heard the gospel story shared the way we did before (using Xee) and he accepted the LORD. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill him, and read John 6:47 to him. After the prayer, he went down to hug both his mother and father. My team witnessed the reconciliation of a son to his parents. What a privilege. What a Connect!

Xee taught me wonders. The wonder of sharing the Good News. The wonder of seeing others rapt in attention when they listen to our stories. This is the purpose of living this life. This is my purpose. I am grateful that I found it, not too late.

Thank you, Xee team.

Stacey Lee.