The Joy of Training Someone to Share the Gospel by Chan Yan Wee

Chan Yan Wee

What a joy it has been to be a trainer for the recent 13-weeks EE course. I have learnt many things through this period, among which is the fact that EE is more than a programme; it is a lifestyle.

It all began when I was invited to join last year’s EE programme as an associate trainer – I was to assist Lim Boo Ghee, the senior trainer in equipping and teaching Chew Boon Tong and Valerie Lim. I was quite excited as I thought it would be great fun just to observe the trainer and trainees, but apparently God had something else in mind; He decided to replace ‘fun’ with real ‘joy’.

A few weeks into the programme, just like in the Steven Spielberg’s movie, Boo Ghee was “TAKEN” and spirited to Canada. Suddenly, the mantle of the trainer fell on my shoulders. Where’s the JOY in that?? I was not prepared for it, but I decided to give it my best shot. I started revising my notes and cards. It was time to buck up, man!

First, I ran a quick self-check – I recited the outline and illustrations over and over again. First time failed. Second time failed. The third time also failed. It just didn’t click. I was reminded of 1 Cor 9:27 … “lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified”. In the end I fell to my knees in desperate prayer and got up with the assurance that God would grant me grace. So that was the first lesson I learned as a trainer: Pray first, don’t wait until all human efforts have failed before you turn to God.

The second lesson, of course, was that even though you are a trainer, you can learn a lot from your trainees. Chew and Valerie are both mature, born-again Christians, spirit-filled and fervent in prayer, and were very inspiring people to work with. While at first, like me, they were a bit apprehensive and nervous about the whole idea of sharing the gospel during OJTs, but they soon caught the vision of EE and became very enthusiastic and willing to learn. It was encouraging to see them improving at each outing, like gem stones they got more polished each time, then the JOY came when they began to sparkle and shine.

By the time they graduate, it gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It is “cool” to see them sharing the gospel confidently, effectively, and of course in their own styles. Then you realise, they have “overtaken” you and now they are ready to take over.

Looking back, I must say that we were truly blessed. We managed to share the gospel in all the 12 OJTs that we did. None of the prospects refused prayer when we asked if we could pray and ask God to bless them before we left. In many ways, when it came to prayer, I was the trainee, and they, the trainers.

One particular incident I’d like to highlight was our first OJT. We managed to share the gospel and the following Sunday during worship service in church the prospect accepted the Lord. Now THAT was real JOY!!! Amen! Everyone who heard the news rejoiced and was encouraged. It was really a blessing to see the fruit of sowing the Word amongst our friends.

That brings me to the third lesson I learned as a trainer. The Bible says that “when a lost sinner repents and accepts the gift of salvation, there is great rejoicing in heaven” (Luke 15:10). I have no doubt that when we see someone we know come to know the Lord; we get a ‘taste’ of that heavenly rejoicing. And perhaps that is why it was such a joy to be a trainer last year – there was joy in seeing souls come into the Kingdom; there was joy in knowing that we sowed seed that someone else might reap, and there was joy in knowing that there are many others, especially my trainees, who shared the same vision and burden to reach out to people.

I’d like to close with an excerpt from my trainee Chew’s testimony, which I hope will further spur you on and get you more excited to share the gospel: Dear Chan, Thanks for being my trainer for the last 12 OJT outings. I have learned to share more effectively and spontaneously by observing how you shared with the prospects. You did it very naturally, with a caring attitude. I realised that you were very positive and had a smiling face each time you shared with the prospect. That speaks volumes of the living Saviour who is residing in you and me. It is my hope that through EE, you too can speak ‘volumes’ of the living Saviour who resides in you and me. Remember always that certain things are taught while others are caught. (1 Cor 3:7)

Chan Yan Wee is the General Manager of Road Builder (M) Sdn Bhd, a local construction company. He graduated form the University of Manchester in 1977 and had served 20 years with the Public Works Department, Malaysia until 1997. The family, Chan & Bee Cheng and their two daughters Judith & Jaclyn are active members of FGT Petaling Jaya since 1996.