Hope For Kids 

Kids CAN share!

We believe the Great Commission is for everyone, not just adults or even youth. 

Available in
Bahasa Malaysia

Why Hope For Kids?

Hope for Kids lays a foundation for spiritual growth in children and enables youngsters to respond with excitement and enthusiasm to Jesus’ command to all of us to be His witnesses.

In Hope for Kids, you will discover a unique way to teach children about the Gospel. It’s fun, interactive and interesting!


How you will learn?

Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor, dapibus nisi. Donec vel lectus sapien.


Who is this for?

It’s most suitable for ages 10-12 year old.
Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor, dapibus nisi. Donec vel lectus sapien.



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